Rest and relaxation for BIPOC women is essential

If you live in a place where money or material things are of top value, or come from a culture where rest is considered a luxury or something for weak people, or even being a BIPOC person believing that rest time will pause resistance work, then this post is for you girl. It wasn't until I went to grad school for mental health counseling and actually learned what it meant - 

Rest and relaxation is for every human at every stage of life. It's not something you need to earn, it's not based on your merit, and it's not a waste of your time. It's necessary for your entire body to function well and healthily, and you deserve that.

That sounds lovely and now you may be wondering “How do I actually do it? How do I rest and relax in the midst of all the chaos? How do I calm my mind, body, and emotions?" With a combination of my counseling degrees and some trial-and-error, I was able to figure it out and now I’d like to help you save some years of stressful trial and error… 

Rest and relaxation are two different and necessary things

Simply put, resting is when you completely stop doing something for a moment or two, while relaxing is when you're slowing down and taking it easy. Resting rejuvenates you, while relaxation relieves tension and stress. Resting is things like sleeping, napping, or meditating. Relaxing is reading, stretching, or being in nature. Both are needed and very helpful for you!

Rest is productive

Hear me loud and clear sis - you don't need to create something tangible or monumental in order to feel productive. Anything you do that's worth your time is productive, and YOU get to decide what's worth it! Period. 

And while we’re here, lemme just say this too - resting is an act of resistance. Why? Because oppressors don’t want you to do things that are healthy for you, which will in turn slow you down and tire you out in your anti-oppression work. Resting also reminds us that we need community. If we trust the people around us to do their part, then that means we can pause for ourselves, take care of ourselves, and the work can still continue.

Your body will force you to rest and relax if you don't do it regularly

Your body will do whatever it needs to do in order for your needs to be met. The more you ignore your needs, the louder your body will scream for care - and it's usually at the most “inconvenient” time, too. It may be a headache today and a migraine tomorrow during a meeting, or a stomach ache today and an ulcer next week while you're on the train. The earlier you listen, the better it gets for you.

I know this is hard. It requires a lot of unlearning and unpacking of what we've been taught by our friends, family, and society. That’s why rest & relaxation is the August topic in the Let's Get Real Membership! LGR is a mental and emotional wellness membership for BIPOC women, women of color, and women of the global majority. You get group coaching calls with me, peer support from other dope women like you, and weekly teachings, journal kits, and application assignments to help you grow. I would love for you to join us - you can hop right in and get all the content as soon as you sign up here!

Need more support? Lemme help you sis:


Dreaming & setting goals for BIPOC women is crucial and kinda hard


Setting boundaries without fear of what ~they’ll~ say is possible (and healthy!)