Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Stress Awareness Month and how Christians use coping mechanisms for everyday stress

Finding strength our faith can be tough when we’re feeling stressed, so come delve into the array of coping mechanisms available to us when facing life's challenges. From prayer and scripture study to body movement and journaling techniques, come discover how faith serves as a powerful anchor during difficult times and practical tips in coping with stress in the moment. Whether you’re confronting loss, uncertainty, or overwhelming stress, this exploration offers guidance and inspiration for embracing the strength found in Christianity and tools to help you grow holistically.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Accepting your limitations isn’t giving up, it’s you trusting God

In a world where self-improvement and limitless potential are often glorified, the idea of accepting limitations can seem counterintuitive. However, understanding and accepting our limitations is not a sign of weakness, but rather a pathway to fully depending on God and genuine fulfillment in Him. We explore the liberating journey of embracing imperfection, asking for help, and inviting God in at those moments. Learn more psychological insights and practical strategies to discover embracing your limitations and uncover a new depth of closeness with God in those moments.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Having the courage and confidence to be different

In this empowering article, discover the transformative journey of cultivating self-confidence and the art of embracing individuality as Christian women of color. Uncover the liberating potential of breaking free from unhealthy cultural, spiritual, and societal norms and finding strength in the authenticity of who God called you to be. Explore practical insights and strategies to foster the courage to be different, and how confidence becomes the key to unlocking your true self and navigating a world that celebrates and rewards uniqueness.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Talking to God when it’s hard & you don’t really want to pray

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose touch with our spiritual side, especially when faced with trials and tribulations. Yet, it is precisely during these difficult moments that turning to our faith and spending time with God can provide solace, strength, and a sense of purpose. In this blog post, we'll explore meaningful ways to connect with God when you don’t really want to and how to overcome the shame behind it.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Overwhelmed, tired, and a long to-do list

Being tired is always annoying, but it's especially annoying when you have a lot of things to do and you’re stressed. The to-do list is always growing and it seems like there’s never enough time! Come learn how to do all the things you gotta do when you're not feelin' it, without losing your sanity or dragging your feet.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Advocacy, awareness, and staying healthy in our traumatic, social media driven world

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to post your opinion or hot take on social media about every horrible event that’s happening in the world. Virtue signaling, fear of being judged, and peer pressure has tricked us into believing we need to, but that’s not true. While it’s important to stay aware and advocate, it’s also important to stay healthy too. Learn more about how to stay informed about events around the world, what it actuals means to fight the good fight, and keeping your overall health in check too.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Dreaming & setting goals for BIPOC women is crucial and kinda hard

Dreaming and setting goals is hard, especially for us women of color. We’ve learned that anything besides perpetuating the status quo and making others feel comfortable at the expense of our comfort and is the way to live life. That’s so false, and one of the reasons why dreaming for BIPOC women is so crucial, but so hard too! Find out more about why it’s hard and what you can do about it.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Rest and relaxation for BIPOC women is essential

Us BIPOC women learned that rest and relaxation is a luxury, a waste of time, and something we’re not worthy of. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only is R&R healthy for us, it allows us to show up fully in any space we’re in. Let’s talk about why resting is healthy, essential, and something you can begin to do now!

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

The power of friendships & community for BIPOC women

Finding friends that don't gossip about you, stress you out, or compete with you can be hard, but don't let it force you into settling for trash friendships! Read along to learn why friendships and community are so impactful to our mental health as women of color, and how to take your friendships to a deeper, healthier level.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

How your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all connected

Understanding our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be really overwhelming. Many of us know they’re all connected, but how? Which one impacts the other? How do I manage all three? Which one do I focus on first? Read more to learn and begin the journey of understanding how all three relate to each other in your life.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

An unconventional approach to your new year’s resolution

Thinking of resolutions for the new year is probably one of the most intimidating, scary thing we trick ourselves into doing. Ever wondered if there was another way to create your resolutions? Read more to learn about my unconventional way of setting goals for the new year, in a way that’s realistic, accurate, and transformative.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

What anxiety is, isn’t, and how to deal with it

Anxiety is often confused with worry, so let’s talk about the difference between the two and some ways to deal with anxiety. Anxiety doesn’t have to control you! Find out ways to stop the anxiety spiraling here.

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Rachel Ann Rachel Ann

Why letting go isn’t always the best option

We hear a lot about letting go, to the point where the famous Disney movie ‘Frozen’ movie teaches us to. But what about the times we want to work on it? Or, are there times we need to compromise? Find out when to let go, when to compromise, or when to press on in navigating difficult relationships. Your future self with thank you for learning this!

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